Next Steps
Next Steps
First Name
Last Name
1. What have you been most successful at in your work in the church?
2. What brings you the greatest joy in ministry?
3. What causes you the most frustration in your ministry?
4. Of all the things you have done in ministry, what is the one you hope to never be asked or required to do?
5. Describe your leadership style.
6. What kind of people do you have most difficulty working with?
7. What is the greatest number of lay volunteers that you personally recruited and gave leadership to in any ministry or in all ministries in one local church?
8. What are your most productive strengths?
9. In what ways are you strengthening your weaknesses?
10. Name the last three most influential books you’ve read and when you read them?
11. Are you more creative or administrative?
12. Are you more project-oriented or people-oriented?
13. What would your spouse name as your shortcomings?
14. Describe your ideal job description.
15. What is your approach to handling conflict and confrontation?
16. When it comes to finances, are you more of a “faith” person or a “facts” person?
17. What are you most proud of in your ministerial “career”?
18. Have you ever experienced “burn out” in ministry? If yes, explain.
19. Are you a night person or a morning person?
20. Tell me about one of your greatest “failures” in ministry. What did you learn?
21. Have you ever had to make an “unpopular decision?” Tell me about it.
22. If leadership is influence, and people follow influence, why do people follow you?
23. On Sunday morning, do you find yourself migrating toward church leaders, regular attenders or visitors?
24. When you meet a new visitor at church, what is your main goal or objective?
25. Are there any areas in the church you tend to procrastinate in more than others?
26. Do you prefer focusing on one project t a time, or do you juggle multiple projects well?
27. How often do you share your faith in one-to-one evangelism?
28. How do you balance the demands of being a spouse and parent and a minister at the same time?
29. Is there anything in your past we have not discussed that we should know about?
30. What do you do for fun on your days off?
31. What resources would you like to have, that would make your ministry the most productive?
32. Do you tithe?
33. Do you have any physical or health conditions or limitations we’ve not discussed?
34. Do you have any financial challenges or debt we’ve not discussed that would be a burden and distraction from fully focusing on fulfilling your ministry?
35. Are you predictable or sometimes moody?
Thank you!